Sunday, July 8, 2012

Why do people get fat? (1)

 Isn’t that a good question? But before we even attempt to answer it, let’s ask a more fundamental question: is it really bad to be fat? or is it good?

For many people, the reason they want to get thin, because thin people look good? But do they really? Is thin really sexy and fat is ugly?

If we try to answer these questions from the cultural point of view, people’ perception of overweight people used to be way different than it is now. Whether you are in East or West, overweight women used to be looked at as more beautiful and really sexy. A chubby girl meant a very sexy one. A chubby girl meant that she came from a very affluent background and everyone wanted to marry her for both reasons. A chubby dude meant a strong one! It meant power and masculinity! 

Before the spread of automation, most jobs were very labor intensive. That meant burning a lot of calories and most likely as a result you would be thin, whether you are a man or a woman! If you are fat, you are an exception back then! So being fat meant really being special!

With the spread of automation, the expansion of the middle class and the abundance of food especially at cheap subsidized prices, being thin meant you are really the exception and therefore you are special! 

So, recently, this view has changed because people’s taste has changed, as well! Off course the media played a role in shaping this image, but we are not here to discuss all the possible reasons; just some of them.

Fortunately, this cultural view, for the most part, is really consistent with the medical point of view. As we all now, being fat is never good for your health! But remember, there was a time when being fat meant being really good! So, people who are really trying to get thin just because most people want to, they are doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.

We all know that obesity is a real global problem now. It is costing people a lot. Sometimes it is costing them the most precious thing they have; their lives. It’s costing billions of dollars to treat people from its aftermath. We all know there needs to be a global effort to fight it. But you know what? If we are waiting for the whole world to move to fight obesity in order to get fit, we will definitely be dead by then!

To be continued!

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